Student Exchange Online Payment

Fredericksburg-Fréjus Student Exchange

July, 2025

For those students who have applied and received an acceptance to participate in the FFSCA Student Exchange trip to Fréjus this coming July, 2025, payment for the cost of the trip will be divided into three installments. 

The first installment will be $800, due by February 15th, 2025. This payment will serve as confirmation of your participation in the trip, and will allow us to book the initial travel arrangements. Payment can be made online or by sending a check. Please see the instructions below.

Please note that families of participants are expected to become members of the Association. If you have already paid your annual 2025 membership dues, we thank you! If you have not yet joined the FFSCA, you may add the annual family membership dues of $50 to the first payment.


To make an online payment, please complete and submit the Payment Order Form below.

Online payments will be processed via PayPal (you can pay with a PayPal account or can pay with a Debit or Credit Card). Alternatively, payments can be made by sending a check to FFSCA c/o C. Warder at 13975 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA 22485.  Please make sure to include your email address on your check.